TetraSpar Demonstrator Project
The TetraSpar Demonstration Project is the world’s first full-scale demonstration of an industrially manufactured floating offshore foundation, and is a partnership between Shell, RWE, TEPCO Renewable Power, and Stiesdal Offshore Technologies. TetraSpar was installed at the METCentre test site off the island of Karmøy in 2021.
Føn’s JV owner IKM has a 5 year frame agreement to provide inspection and maintenance services for TetraSpar. Under the service agreement, Føn has provided the following services:
Installation of load cell on winch, which was used for pulling power cable between wind turbines.
Troubleshooting and service on generator, battery, oil and filter changed
Disassembly of tower to winch, after performing power cable pulling. This was hoisted down on a boat and transported ashore.
Certification of passenger lift in the wind turbine